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Names Explained

We have many products of different sizes and designs.  We came up with our "Vertical Spice" languge to try and describe each in a title (Drawer Name).  It appears very confusing at first, but with a few minutes of time you will be speaking the crazy language too.

Our code is broken into 3 parts, DRAWERS x TIERS x DEPTH, for example two different unit names are 222x2x11 or 33x1x14.

  • DRAWERS (Describes the Drawers, width and number of them)
  • TIERS (Describes the Tiers Tall of each drawer)
  • DEPTH (Describes Depth family of the unit)

Unit 222x2x11: the first part (222) means this unit has three 2.1" drawers next to each other, each pulls out separately, the second part (x2) means each drawer has 2 tiers to it, The third part (x11) means the unit is part of our 10.6" deep family of products.

Unit 33x1x14: the first part (33) means this unit has two 3.25" drawers next to each other, each pulls out separately, the second part (x1) means each drawer has just 1 tier to it, The third part (x14) means the unit is part of our 14.0" deep family of products.

Numbers Explained

10.6", 6.9", 2.1", just where did those numbers come from???  Alright, Scott the engineer is used to working with numbers and forgot a majority of the world thinks differently (thank goodness they do).  Our first spice racks are trying to maximize the number of standard jars they can hold so not all dimensions ended in clean 1/4" or 1/2" measurements.  To help you follow Scott's numbers here are some comparable fractions to relate to:

10.6" = 10" and 6/10" (our units are a little less than 10 5/8")       6.9" = 6" and 7/8" (our units are a little wider than 6 7/8")      2.10" = 2" and 1/8"(the drawer is slightly less than 2 1/8" wide))      6.7" = 6" and 3/4" (the 6x1 drawer is slightly less than 6 3/4" wide)

For those still confused, think of the numbers as dollars and cents.  Consider 5.75" to be 5 dollars and 75 cents.  2.10" to be 2 dollars and 10 cents.  So, if you have a space 6" wide, the 5.75" wide unit will fit, as $6 (your space) is greater than $5.75 (unit base).


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